With all the hustle and bustle going on this Thanksgiving you may feel overwhelmed. When you feel flustered, slow down, stop, take some deep breaths and meditate on what or who is really important in this Holiday Season. Family and friends are important, but you are too. Take some time for yourself. Read a book, go for a walk, call a friend or take a long hot bath while thinking on those things that really make you smile. Perhaps a friend you just had lunch with; or your child laughing at how much he ate at Thanksgiving dinner; or even your grandchildren gathered around learning the real importance of Thanksgiving and pondering what is really important to them. Either way, you matter. You are important. Let’s not forget that we don’t look to people and things to make us happy. We can look inside and see enough of ourselves to create our own happiness. Only then will you be able to help others and make them happy. Take care of yourself first. GOD BLESS.
FAITH can move mountains
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